How an Exterior Paint Job Will Help You Sell

The US News published a piece on tips to help you sell your home among which interior as well as exterior home painting were mentioned. Those of you out there looking to sell your homes may be considering this already. At the same time there are also those who are likely wondering why and how a mere superficial alteration such as an exterior paint job can help you sell.

man-with-paintbrush-painting-wooden-house-exteriorIf you’re thinking of saving money by doing up your interior but skipping on the exterior paintwork; hold up! We’ve got some points that may convince you otherwise.

Here is how an exterior paint job will facilitate your home sale!

First Impressions

When you’re looking to sell your home, things like curb appeal and exterior paintjobs count. The reason for this is that before a potential buyer even enters your space, they will look at it from the outside. Even if you have sent pictures of the interior, that first home visit starts with a survey of how your property look on the outside.

What your potential buyers see and the state your property is in externally sets the tone for how they will feel about everything else. If your home looks shabby and the exterior paint is old or falling off, this will likely put off any potential buyer. As a result people may leave without even entering or simply develop a bias against anything you have to say!

Keeping that home exterior well painted and in good shape builds a strong first impression and helps attract more buyers!

Aesthetic Appeal and Functionality

apartment-architectural-design-architecture-323780Another things that an exterior paint job will help with is overall aesthetic appeal and functionality. The right kind of exterior paint job improves your overall home look immensely. It can make an old home look cozy, new and livable. It is pleasing to the eye and makes your space look inviting.

At the same time, exterior paint is also important protection for your basic home structure against the elements. Realtors and seasoned property investors know this. Keeping this in mind, a well painted house will be aesthetically appealing, present a front of functionality and hence be a more attractive market prospect for interested parties.

Adding Value

Last but not least, you probably know that the more odds and ends you tie up by way of home maintenance prior to selling, the better offers you are likely to receive. This is because when you invest in your property, you add value.

You may not realize this but external paintjobs add a whole lot of value to the property or residence you are looking to sell. You can pretty much raise your real estate value if you simply invest in a premium paint job before you put your home on the market. It always helps to allot some of your maintenance budget to external paintjobs prior to selling as these make a massive positive difference to your overall home value.

Winding Down

After reading the points elaborating above, it is clear how and why attending to that exterior paintjob is a determining factor when it comes to your home sale. If you’re from North Hollywood CA and are worried about how you’re going to get your home painted, don’t! Our professional painting and maintenance company offers clients reliable and timely interior and exterior residential painting services! Just give us a shout and leave the rest to us!

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